When the Sea Turned to Silver

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By: Grace Lin

Rate: between good and very good

Pinmei is the granddaughter of Amah, the Storyteller, and they lived together happily until one terrible day Amah is taken away by the Tiger emperor and his soldiers. Pinmei and her friend, Yishan, go and search for a Luminous Stone that Lights the Night for the emperor in trade for Amah. They go through many adventures, meet a woman called Lady Meng, and Pinmei tells many stories before they find it. When they finally find the Luminous Stone that Lights the Night, Pinmei and Yishan find that the emperor has tricked them, but they and their friends  managed to kill the greedy emperor, who wanted immortality by eating the Ginseng Boy, who was actually Yishan(Pinmei didn’t know that before). The story ends on a happy note.

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