OMIGOD!!! OMIGOD!!! OMIGODD!!! times infinity
And guess what?
Even better than I thought.
There’s The Heaven Sword and Dragon Saber (倚天屠龙记)
And The Smiling Proud Wanderer (笑傲江湖)
And Demi-Gods and Semi-Devils (天龙八部)
Anddd Way of the Heroes (侠客行)
I’ll tell you each of them’s lengths too:
THSaDS: 4 books
TSPW: 4 books
DGaSD: 5 books
WoTH: 2 books
So if you didn’t know anything about Jin Yong books earlier, I can tell you so you won’t be like, what the heck. Basically, I’m obsessed with this guy named Jin Yong’s books, they’re all Chinese, though some of them have English translations. And Chinese as in, pretty hard Chinese, I think. They’re fiction, and Jin Yong wrote 14-15 WHOLE SERIES!!! Literally!!! Each of them is from a range of 2-5 books, I think. My lifetime goal is to read all of them. So far I’ve read TLoTCH, TRoTCH, and I shall read the rest mentioned above, and more. Hohoho.
Oh right, and plus, I also got the next set in a series called 汤小团. Omigod, it’s like ALSO an awesome series–I CAN’T BELIVE I FORGOT TO TELL YOU GUYS!!!! But you won’t want to hear about it anyway, so I won’t explain. ? Anyway, it has 7 sets with 8 books in each, which is 56 BOOKS! They’re easier to read and shorter than Jin Yong books, and not AS good, but STILLLLL.
Okay, I’m done blabbering, bye now.
~bOOkiebOOm OwO~
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