LoTR Oneshot

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Honestly, I’m not even a hundred percent sure what a oneshot is, but as far as I’m concerned it’s a short, extremely short fanfiction moment. Kind of like a flash fiction for fanfiction.

Yesterday, my dad turned off my internet, and I was bored, so I just wrote this following “oneshot”:

One that is tracking two hobbits down for days and nights straight does not think clearly.

Especially if his companions are made up of one Pointy-Ear and a Moody Man.

Both of which are far faster than him. And smarter. And taller.

How does one continue to run on when his eyes no longer see, his ears no longer hear, his hands no longer feel, his lungs no longer breathe?

It is friendship, Gimli decides. Friendship is what has kept his feet, as well as the feet of his companions, moving these three weary days, even as the footsteps of the distant enemies ahead of them seemed to grow fainter every second. Even when all hope has left him.

“Oh, come–” His mumble is interrupted when he suddenly crashes into Pointy-Ear ahead of him. He topples over backwards, sprawling on the ground, and finds himself too exhausted to yell at the elf.

“Shh! Listen,” Legolas whispers.

Gimli struggles painfully to his feet. “What is it this time?”

Legolas remains silent, but Gimli’s soon recieves his answer as the neighing of horses and the sound of their hooves draw ever closer. The dwarf yanks out his axe. Out of the corner of his eye, he sees Aragorn unsheathe Anduril and Legolas take an arrow from its quiver. The Three Hunters remain tense, waiting.

He draws closer to his two friends, breath coming out in great gasps and pants.

It’s unfinished. Obviously.

I’ve been considering writing a short Gimli or Elrond fanfiction, but this is only a oneshot, so it doesn’t count.

Just to clarify, my favorite character is absolutely Aragorn, but I prefer writing about underrated characters, or rather, characters with no significant backstory. It gives more space for developement.

And probably also because they’re underrated, and I want to make them less underrated.

Gimli and Elrond are two of these characters, of course. I’m not sure if Gimli counts as really underrated, but I’m positive that he’s probably the most underrated out of the Fellowship. I’ve looked on AO3 and Wattpad, and most of the stories are Legolas or something. And I also look at a lot of Aragorn ones, but that’s probably because he’s my favorite character. I also feel like he has by far the least scenes in the movies, and the least lines in the books (actually, Legolas has very few lines in the books as well, but fans love him because he’s handsome and agile. I like him too, though I do think he’s a bit overrated. Sorry to all Legolas fans. Oh, yes, and because he’s an elf, of course! Elf!).

Elrond. Okay, let’s say I don’t think Elrond is a very popular character. Of course, I don’t really know anything much about the real fandom of LoTR, but as far as I can tell Elrond is… well, at least there are no superfans or anything. That makes sense, of course, because he’s not important much, but, I mean, he sort of was the most powerful elf in the entire of Middle Earth and in both the books and movies, he just kind of… sat there. The whole time. Watching the world die.

Like, in the movies, remember when elves came to Helm’s Deep to help Rohan? The leader was Haldir of Mirkwood (who died fighting. He’s underrated too), not Elrond, Lord of Rivendell. Even though, based on context, Haldir was under the command of Elrond, that almighty elf did basically nothing. He was like, “Okay, Haldir, go and sacrifice yourself, and I’m just going to sit here are force my daughter to board a ship over the sea even though she doesn’t want to. Bye!”

And plus, Elrond was basically under the command of Galadriel anyway.

Wow, I sound like an Elrond hater!

Honestly? Elrond deserves some credit. He’s lived for like, three thousand years. He fought in the first war against Sauron. He deserves to be able to chill for a bit. I mean, if you’ve lived for three thousand years and watched most of your friends and comrades (instant Animal Farm flashbacks) die in this huge and full-on war against the most mighty Dark Lord of all time (Voldemort: EXCUSE ME?), you probably wouldn’t want to do that again, no matter how brave you are.

It’s like Frodo and Sam and Aragorn and the rest of the fellowship (as well as several other characters). They deserve to actually rest, right? After all they’ve been through?

And they did. Frodo went happily over the sea (instant Over the Rainbow flashbacks), Sam lived happily as the Mayor of the Shire, and Aragorn ruled happily as King of Gondor, Mightiest (and oldest) of all Men.

So why can’t Elrond just rest happily in his little paradise of Rivendell?

Nope, of course not. Sauron just has to rise again (though I’m glad he did, that’s how LoTR came to life!).



One response to “LoTR Oneshot”

  1. bookieboom Avatar

    wait lol i just realized that the title has nothing to do with most of the post content xD–
    im always like blabbering on about this thing and then i realize: oh wait i wasn’t originally planning to talk abt this–

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