Recently at school, my language arts and science teacher (yes, they’re the same person, even though ELA and science have almost nothing to do with each other) assigned us this 5-month-long project.
Five months.
Well, if you look at it from a different point of view, the science fair I used to do from third to fifth grade was also that long. But I feel like a lot of the time we didn’t even focus on it during science.
Meanwhile, we have to fill out “one row” of notes per day in a table in Google Docs on climate change. “One row” really means one article. So we find an article and write down what we learned. I’ve basically been writing everything from the article down, which is why my document is forty-something pages.
Forty-something pages of notes.
At least it’s almost over. 2/18 is the last day we have to do it, and that’s 25 rows.
So this is how the project works (look, my teacher seriously posted an entire website explaining this, but this is all from memory and I’m not going to check the website because it always kills my internet). You pick a topic related to climate change (e.g. melting ice caps, EVs, deforestation, floods). You research on it. Since this is ELA and science, you write a five-paragraph informational essay on it (boy, have I had enough of that). You also create a website about it (haha, I probably will spend more time making it look pretty than actually adding information on it). And you need to create a media component as well (e.g. a song, interview, documentary, animation).
You can work in groups, but your group has to have the same topic as you. The teacher said we shouldn’t just work with our besties. You have to actually be passionate about your topic.
Uh?! What if I want to write about everything?!
The topic choice is going to be the week after February break.
Still, so far I’m probably going to pick Animal Agriculture as my topic. I’m passionate about it because it really does affect me to not eat meat. It’s difficult for me to change that why, which is why I’m researching it.
Seriously, vegetarian meat doesn’t even taste like meat (well, maybe I’ve only eaten it once, but who cares)! And white meat (except chicken, which still isn’t as good as red meat) sucks!
Yesterday, the teacher asked us what topic we are thinking about, and whether we even have one or not. You see, there’s this boy in our class who I know. Like, I actually know him from before I moved. We have a very interesting story (I’m not sure if I already mentioned this on this blog, but whatever). We went to the same elementary school for 3 years. We were honestly pretty good and relatively close friends, as far as I remember, and as far as a boy-girl friendship can go when you’re in second grade and everyone believes in cooties, but he seems to not really acknowledge that these days. Actually, we even lived in the same neighborhood. He was just, like, two roads from me. And, if I remember correctly, we kept on getting assigned to the same projects and being partners and sitting next to each other and such. We got the two main roles in the school play.
Anyway, I moved to a private school in third grade. He moved houses and moved to a different school (though in the same district) in fourth grade (I only just learned this this year). So we were completely, entirely separated.
But hey, middle school always brings you surprises!
Turns out he’s in my middle school class, too.
What are the chances of that?
First, it’s already shocking how we ended up in the same school again. Then again, there are 6 what we call villages in our school, and each village has 2 classes, so that’s 2 x 6 = 12 classes. There’s only a 1/12 chance we end up in the same class! And we did.
Okay, the point is, since it seems that we are always stuck together for projects, naturally this person announced that he was going to do animal farms.
My first reaction: AGAIN?!
Or maybe my first reaction was about the book Animal Farm, which still gives me the shudders, but anyway, that’s not the point.
And no, it’s not that I don’t like working with him (honestly, he’s like the smartest person in our class), but I was just surprised.
So yes, we’ve ended up doing the project together again. Probably. 😉
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