last day of school

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hey, it’s the last day of school.

honestly, i think i’m supposed to be happy, right???

well, i have mixed feelings. I feel excited, nervous, happy, sad, reluctant.

Excited cause after this summer, I’m going into SIXTH GRADE. Holy cow, thats a whole new… type of schoool! Middle school. And a new school, because I’m moving.

Nervous because of the same reason. I don’t know anyone there. I’m sort of scared.

Happy because, well, I mean, it’s summer break! who wouldn’t be happy??

Sad bc… I’m leaving all my friends! Two of my closest friends are both going to the same school next year, but I’m moving away. It isn’t the first time this happened–I moved schools after second grade–but still, I’ll really miss them. I guess they’ll still be good friends without me.

And then reluctant bc I’m reluctant to change everything. I’m fine with things the way they are. I mean, change is awesome, but at the same time I really just wanna have everything be the same. I know it’s not right to think that way but I can’t help to do it.

Well then I need to eat dinner now… bai!

~bOOkiebOOm OwO~

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