Travel Guide!

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Hey guys! I was bored, so… why not?


  1. China – Best. Country. Ever. Beijing, Shanghai, Nanjing, Xi’an, and more great cities. Super duper awesome food. And culture. And everything.
  2. Japan – Another amazing country. Clean and organized. The tatami carpet thing is awesome. Food and culture and everything is similar to China, but a bit different.
  3. Hawaii – The hotel I stayed at is amazing, and it’s really nice. They have great swimming pools to be in. And the food is really good too.
  4. Mexico – Great country too. The popsicles there were really good. And there was this type of taco that wasn’t too bad. Pretty fun place.
  5. Seattle – Really brilliant city. The Space Needle was really cool and advanced in technology. It was fun just exploring the city, though it rains a lot.

Thanks for reading! I could’ve put more information (especially for China and Japan, oh god) but I decided to let you guys have a break from long posts, haha.

~bOOkiebOOm OwO~

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